Fishbourne Channel - Dell Quay Tide Times and HeightsUnited KingdomSEWest SussexFishbourne Channel - Dell Quay1-Day3-Day5-Day Jump to Date Confirm Graph Plots Open in Graphs Tides All Tide PointsHigh TidesLow TidesToday 28 Mar10:38 am4.74m11:08 pm4.98mSat 29 Mar11:20 am4.97m11:50 pm5.16mSun 30 Mar1:05 pm5.1mMon 31 Mar1:31 am5.23m1:49 pm5.11mTue 1 Apr2:15 am5.17m2:36 pm5.02mWed 2 Apr2:58 am5m3:24 pm4.81mThu 3 Apr3:45 am4.72m4:16 pm4.52mGet WillyWeather+ to remove ads